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community conservancies

Conservation Education



Conservation education provides authentic opportunities for learning and gives school going children from primary to tertiary level an opportunity to connect with flora and fauna in a meaningful way. Our teaching methods are adapted to cover all age groups, providing students with a real-life context on which to base their learning.

We teach them to apply their knowledge within their immediate environment such as the plants, animals and birds that live in their own backyards or playgrounds and then expand this application to protected areas as well.


Wildlife Clubs

Our wildlife clubs provide an outlet for young people who are passionate about conservation and seek to acquire more knowledge and experience over and above the formal school setting.

To date Zimparks has established wildlife clubs in more than 200 schools across Zimbabwe. Apart from conservation, club members are also equipped with life skills that enable them to make a positive impact towards their communities both now and in the future.


Junior Rangers

The Junior Ranger program is an activity based program that offers young people the opportunity to become an integral part of the Zimparks network. These young boys and girls Rangers are selected from Wildlife Clubs and the initiative encourages them to explore Zimbabwe’s parks accompanied by rangers.



Indigenous communities play a pivotal role in conservation. Our education initiatives recognize this fact and seek to foster collaborative learning and action, taking into account the social, cultural, economic, and environmental conditions of each community.

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